  I don't know how to start... I have a loving n caring bf, we have been 
together for around 2 years. Though we are having a strong physical 
realtionship,  I have never let him had anal sex, just for fear. But I am 
equally willing to let him enter inside me and fell the pleasure of being one 
with him. He has a good size, so I thought I'd better start by practising 
myself first.
  And that is the biggest mistake I made (I think so). I started experimenting 
with a sex toy (that too only thrice), but after 4 months I started having 
constipations and such stuff. That was in May last year. My belly has started 
to get a bit flabby (this worries me very much, as I have always had a slim 
  I consulted a doc ( 3 diff docs), and they all rubbed some ointment on my 
rectum n prescribed Isabgol and stuff meant for easing bowel movements. The 
problem has gotten only worse with time.
  I don't know which doctor to go, I just can't tell them the truth. You all 
know why.
  I haven't told my bf too, just very embarrased.
  What should I do? I am a resident of Delhi. Anyone has experience on where to 

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