Indian Sex Ban
 In what must be one of
the weirdest laws ever made, Article 377 of the Indian Penal Code deems
any kind of sex that is "against the order of nature" to be unnatural
and therefore illegal.

It bans "sodomy" which is basically anal sex, and it bans "coitus through 
mouth" which is oral sex. 

these common forms of sexual activity among heterosexual as well as gay
couples? If the idea was to ban homosexuality by banning oral and anal
sex then the lawmakers have fallen flat on their faces. 

begin with, the fundamental concept behind this piece of legislation is
flawed. Its assertion that all sexual activity should result in
procreation or otherwise be deemed unnatural, is ridiculous. Human
beings don't always have sex for procreation. Most of the time we have
sex to make love, for sex is the ultimate form of physical love that
you could engage in with your partner. So to deem sex that does not
lead to procreation as "unnatural" would make what we do ninety nine
percent of the time illegal. 

Arrest me now! 


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