------- Comment #6 from jvdelisle at gcc dot gnu dot org  2008-01-25 00:53 
What it does is stated in the comment.

/* If the farthest position reached is greater than current
   position, adjust the position and set length to pad out
   whats left.  Otherwise just pad whats left.
   (for character array unit) */

IIRC that comment needs to be repeated down below.  The bytes that are
"allocated" have been already written to previously.  We know this from
max_pos.  All this is doing is moving the file position back out the necessary
number of bytes and assuring they get flushed out to disk later.  If we just do
a seek, we may skip over bytes and not write them to disk.  This also assures
that those bytes are marked dirty.

Its really not horrible once you understand it.  I am not convinced the if
(done) is needed at line 2579 though.  Have to think some more.  Maybe try
taking the condition away and see what happens.



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