------- Comment #5 from juvvij at gmail dot com  2008-12-31 17:31 -------
>From the C++ standards doc (Latest download form the website) (excerpt listed
below), I thought that member functions could be allowed. I am not entirely
sure if *function* can also refer to *member-function*.

4.  A non-type template-parameter shall have one of the following (optionally
cv-qualified) types:
    — integral or enumeration type,
    — pointer to object or pointer to function,
    — reference to object or reference to function,
    — pointer to member., or
    — in a constrained template (14.10), a type archetype T for which the
concept requirement std::NonTypeTemplateParamet
       is part of the template’s requirements.

Did I understand this wrong ? Does the correct interpretation of the standard
not allow for member-function-pointers as non-type arguments ?

The following links point to a different interpretation.






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