------- Comment #5 from martin at mpa-garching dot mpg dot de  2009-12-17 14:12 
> GCC with -std=c99 makes sure to properly handle the i387 FPU excess precision.
> With -fexcess-precision=fast the code is as fast (and non-conforming) like
> with GCC 4.4.  Using -std=gnu99 is also an option.

Thanks a lot for pointing this out! I was aware of the floating-point change
but simply had not realized it would be switched on by -std=c99.
I imagine that this might catch many people by surprise once 4.5.0 is released,
and it might be politically advisable to mention it (and the "fix") in a place
where users can't miss it.
Is there a plan to mention this (in a prominent place) in the release notes?
Or in the FAQ or the "non-bugs" section of bugs.html? I can prepare a
documentation patch if this is desirable.



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