Summary: [OOP] Invalid assignment to procedure pointer
                    component not rejected
           Product: gcc
           Version: 4.6.0
            Status: UNCONFIRMED
          Severity: normal
          Priority: P3
         Component: fortran

Reported by Arjen Markus at

The following program (slightly modified from the original) does not produce
the expected result:

module proc_pointers

  implicit none

  type :: rectangle
    real :: width, height
    procedure(get_area), pointer, pass(this) :: get_special_area => get_my_area
  end type rectangle

  abstract interface
    real function get_area( this )
      import                       :: rectangle
      class(rectangle), intent(in) :: this
    end function get_area
  end interface


  real function get_my_area( this )
    type(rectangle), intent(in) :: this
    write(*,*) 'This: ', this%width, this%height
    get_my_area = 3.0 * this%width * this%height
  end function get_my_area

end module proc_pointers

program test_objects

   use proc_pointers
   implicit none

   type(rectangle) :: rect
   real            :: area

   rect  = rectangle (1.0,2.0)
   write(*,*) 'Rect: ', rect%width, rect%height
   area = rect%get_special_area()
   write(*,*) 'Special area:', area

end program test_objects

I think it is invalid, because the PPC 'get_special_area' is declared to expect
a CLASS argument, but then the procedure it points to has a TYPE argument.

One should check the standard on this.

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