--- Comment #7 from openhardware <webmaster at openhardware dot de> 2012-03-29 
13:40:14 UTC ---
"Alternatively, change the documentation to the effect that invalid assembly
code and valid (but semantically wrong) assembly code aren't necessarily
compiler bugs."

Its a "windows-approach"
Not a bug but a feature.

Intel calls their errata sheets for silicon bugs "specification update"
That's really sweet, so whats a spec for?

Please fix it in gcc to be a syntax error, or at least throw a warning like
"Illegal variable name found in line # might cause illegal assembly code and
thus unpredictable results!".

This would be the best, so if one has a special "geeks-assembler", 
that allows a $ to be send to the assembler, so one could use it, for what
special geeks-reason ever (may be, to have a hack to illegally allign a
variable in memory  between the rails of the processors word length in order to
smear it into two registers [highbyte of lower register and lowbyte of upper
register] of some IO or to do some other dirty stuff directly from hell)

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