--- Comment #5 from Manuel López-Ibáñez <manu at gcc dot> 2012-04-18 
21:47:10 UTC ---
(In reply to comment #4)
> So, to recap, ripping out all but one solve the duplication problem you point
> out, it solves the duplication of creation effort you point out, it solves the
> duplication of maintaining the testsuite you point out.  It also has the added
> benefit of not wasting valuable testing time testing things that never fail.

OK, now I understand your point of view. I agree to a certain extent, in the
sense that the current cost/benefit effort is not worth it. If we had already
something like dg-pedantic, the human overhead disappears, but then one could
argue that it is still not worth the extra testing time. Unfortunately, such
testcases are still required during the review process. Well, since you are
testsuite maintainer, I can try to point to this report in the future as to why
I didn't bother to add them. ;-)

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