--- Comment #3 from Dominique d'Humieres <dominiq at lps dot> 2012-11-13 
13:23:28 UTC ---

> You can find these files in..



With this files I have been able to do a clean bootstrap at revision 193472 on

x86_64-apple-darwin10. However, first, I have to supply the lib path for

libasan when using -faddress-sanitizer: -L/opt/gcc/gcc4.8w/lib -lasan; second,

the executable fails to run with:

dyld: Symbol not found: _CFStringCreateCopy

  Referenced from: /opt/gcc/gcc4.8w/lib/libasan.0.dylib

  Expected in: flat namespace

 in /opt/gcc/gcc4.8w/lib/libasan.0.dylib

Trace/BPT trap

Looking at the web, it seems to be a known issue with darwin, but I have been

unable to understand how it can be fixed.

Indeed I also see pr55291.

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