--- Comment #11 from Jack Howarth <howarth at nitro dot> 2012-11-13 
20:13:18 UTC ---

For the simple test case...

int main()


int i;



compiled with 'g++-fsf-4.8 -faddress-sanitizer -O0 -framework CoreFoundation -lasan'

using a mach_override.c with...

#define DEBUG_DISASM 1

// #undef DEBUG_DISASM

the errors appear late in the debug output at...

Replacing function at 0x11183d630

First 16 bytes of the function: 48 8d 5 11 4f b 0 53 48 8d 5f e0 48 89 77 90 

To disassemble, save the following function as disas.c and run:

  gcc -c disas.c && gobjdump -d disas.o

The first 16 bytes of the original function will start after four nop


void foo() {

  asm volatile("nop;nop;nop;nop;");

  asm volatile(".byte 0x48, 0x8d, 0x5, 0x11, 0x4f, 0xb, 0x0, 0x53;");

  asm volatile(".byte 0x48, 0x8d, 0x5f, 0xe0, 0x48, 0x89, 0x77, 0x90;");


Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48 8d  FAIL

Matching: 48 8d  FAIL

Matching: 48 8d  FAIL

Matching: 48 8d  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48 8d  FAIL

Matching: 48 8d  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48 8d  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48  FAIL

Matching: 48 8d  FAIL

mach_override: some instructions unknown! Need to update mach_override.c

overridePossible = false @299

err = f8000001


err = f8000001


err = f8000001


err = f8000001


err = f8000001


First 16 bytes of the function after slicing: 48 8d 5 11 4f b 0 53 48 8d 5f e0

48 89 77 90 

Replacing function at 0x7fff94c23364

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