--- Comment #26 from Jonathan Wakely <redi at gcc dot> 2013-01-16 
10:25:57 UTC ---

(In reply to comment #24)

> That really feels like a hack.

It is a hack, to work around a throwing move ctor that I don't have time to


> Anyone using boost::is_copy_constructible or

> whatever personal trick to detect copyable types will still be impacted.

Impacted in what way? They'll get the same result as they did previously.

This changes std::is_copy_constructible to be more accurate and makes

__move_if_noexcept work for the unordered containers. How does that affect


It gives the wrong result for unordered_containers of non-copyable types, but

already did, and it's not my responsibility to fix everyone else's traits  :-)

> Did

> your idea in comment #15 not work?

I don't think that would be conforming and would be a huge amount of work to

replace every constructor in vector and forward_list (and every other container

as they are updated to be allocator-aware) with a template constructor.  I'm

not going to work on that solution, and I won't approve patches to do that

without a lot of persuasion.

I still do want to use SFINAE to remove allocator_traits<A>::construct(args)

from participating in overload resolution when A().construct(args) is not valid

and is_constructible<A::value_type, args> is false, which I hope is conforming,

and would allow a better solution similar to comment 17, by deleting the

unordered_xxx copy ctor.

I'll revisit the patch tonight.

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