--- Comment #16 from Dominique d'Humieres <dominiq at lps dot> ---
> This:
> +    fmt->format_string_len = strrchr (f->source, ')') - f->source + 1;
>Is taking the difference between two string pointers, ie memory addresses
> This:
> printf("pos 0 =%x, pos ) =%x\n",strchr (f->source, '\0'),strrchr (f->source, 
> ')'));
> Is printing the value of the pointers, the addresses.
> Are you expecting something different?

Well, I am fully aware that I am C challenged (the kind who can forget two
semicolons while writing a single line!). However the above is more or less
part of what I understand.

To clarify my question, let me summarize what I understand:

(1) This PR occurs iff 'f != NULL',
(2) The beginning of f->source is the unprocessed part of the format when the
error occurs, the last character of it being the closing ')' of the format,
(3) while I was expecting f->source being


I have examples for which I see


where xxx are some extra characters (from 1 to ~15). My question was about the
origin of these characters.

Indeed I was not happy with 'strrchr (f->source, ')')' because it could find a
')' in the garbage after '\0'. In addition, valgrind complained about it.

I have regtested and ran my own tests with the following change

   if (f != NULL)
-    fmt->format_string = f->source;
+    {
+      width = strlen (f->source);
+      for (i = width - 1; i > 0; i--)
+     {
+       if (f->source[i] == ')')
+         break;
+       width--;
+     }
+      fmt->format_string_len = width;
+    }

This makes valgrind happy without regression (I know that this will fail if the
extra characters contain a ')', so far I did not crossed this situation).

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