--- Comment #11 from Ralf Hoffmann <gcc at boomerangsworld dot de> ---
I managed to create a standalone test program. Attachment "" contains
the stripped down critical code segments. The two other files ""
and "aguixtest.hh" are just to make a runnable binary. The attached script
"build" can be used to create the binary.

The expected output is:

wait4mess2 called
waittime2: 5
Worker: msg lock element lost!
Worker: msg lock element lost!
wait4mess2 called

(this is what the binary does with gcc 4.8.1)

while with gcc 4.9.1 it will loop forever:

wait4mess2 called
waittime2: 5
waittime2: 5
waittime2: 5
waittime2: 5

Compiled with -O1 instead of -O2 the example program crashes.
Adding -fsanitize=undefined on the other hand will make it work again
regardless of O1 or O2.

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