--- Comment #3 from Bernd Edlinger <bernd.edlinger at hotmail dot de> ---

I tried this:

--- gcc/ipa-split.c.jj    2015-02-08 21:13:01.000000000 +0100
+++ gcc/ipa-split.c    2015-03-13 11:29:08.878923384 +0100
@@ -1509,6 +1509,16 @@ split_function (struct split_point *spli
       || DECL_BY_REFERENCE (DECL_RESULT (current_function_decl))))
     gimple_call_set_return_slot_opt (call, true);

+  /* Re-insert a TSAN_FUNC_EXIT immediately _before_ the actual call,
+     because we are actually calling ourselves, so the call stack
+     should look correct this way, and it does not prevent the
+     possible tail-call optimization.  */
+  if ((flag_sanitize & SANITIZE_THREAD) != 0
+      && !lookup_attribute ("no_sanitize_thread",
+                DECL_ATTRIBUTES (current_function_decl)))
+    gsi_insert_after (&gsi, gimple_build_call_internal (IFN_TSAN_FUNC_EXIT,
+              GSI_NEW_STMT);
   /* Update return value.  This is bit tricky.  When we do not return,
      do nothing.  When we return we might need to update return_bb
      or produce a new return statement.  */

BUT there are more problems (in another C file):

opcua_p_binary.c.103t.sink-OpcUa_Int32_P_NativeToWire (OpcUa_Int32_Wire * wire,
OpcUa_Int32 * native)
opcua_p_binary.c.103t.sink-  OpcUa_StatusCode retval.25;
opcua_p_binary.c.103t.sink-  <bb 2>:
opcua_p_binary.c.103t.sink:  retval.25_5 = OpcUa_Float_P_NativeToWire
(wire_2(D), native_3(D)); [tail call]
opcua_p_binary.c.103t.sink:  return retval.25_5;
opcua_p_binary.c.105t.tsan1-OpcUa_Int32_P_NativeToWire (OpcUa_Int32_Wire *
wire, OpcUa_Int32 * native)
opcua_p_binary.c.105t.tsan1-  OpcUa_StatusCode retval.25;
opcua_p_binary.c.105t.tsan1-  void * _6;
opcua_p_binary.c.105t.tsan1-  <bb 2>:
opcua_p_binary.c.105t.tsan1-  _6 = __builtin_return_address (0);
opcua_p_binary.c.105t.tsan1-  __builtin___tsan_func_entry (_6);
opcua_p_binary.c.105t.tsan1:  retval.25_5 = OpcUa_Float_P_NativeToWire
(wire_2(D), native_3(D)); [tail call]
opcua_p_binary.c.105t.tsan1-  __builtin___tsan_func_exit ();
opcua_p_binary.c.105t.tsan1:  return retval.25_5;

objdump -d shows this!
00000000021755a0 <OpcUa_Int32_P_NativeToWire>:
 21755a0:       55                      push   %rbp
 21755a1:       53                      push   %rbx
 21755a2:       48 89 fb                mov    %rdi,%rbx
 21755a5:       48 89 f5                mov    %rsi,%rbp
 21755a8:       48 83 ec 08             sub    $0x8,%rsp
 21755ac:       48 8b 7c 24 18          mov    0x18(%rsp),%rdi
 21755b1:       e8 6a 72 29 fe          callq  40c820 <__tsan_func_entry@plt>
 21755b6:       48 83 c4 08             add    $0x8,%rsp
 21755ba:       48 89 ee                mov    %rbp,%rsi
 21755bd:       48 89 df                mov    %rbx,%rdi
 21755c0:       5b                      pop    %rbx
 21755c1:       5d                      pop    %rbp
 21755c2:       e9 19 ff ff ff          jmpq   21754e0
 21755c7:       66 0f 1f 84 00 00 00    nopw   0x0(%rax,%rax,1)
 21755ce:       00 00

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