--- Comment #5 from Iain Sandoe <iains at gcc dot> ---
(In reply to from comment #4)
> Unfortunately, it doesn't work on Mac OS X 10.11.2: every link test
> FAILs with
> FAIL: 17_intro/ (test for excess errors)
> Excess errors:
> ld: warning: object file
> (/var/folders/1d/k16rgv6d5039jhvlj8_dzk4h00021y/T//cc0iIoOX.o) was built for
> newer OSX version (10.11.2) than being linked (10.11)
> I've found that while ld strips the micro version passed to
> -mmacosx_version_min, clang does not, resulting in this mess.

>  Given that ld(1) documents the version number format as <major>.<minor>, for
> now it seems that gcc should only pass this to as and ld.

ld < 85.2..ish didn't understand the minor.

> Looking...

Actually, I think it would be better to leave macosx-version-min alone, and
push a new flag (the information is all there in darwin-driver.c).

propose -mmacosx-major-version=10.xx

If you're not going to tackle this in the short-term, I'll take a look.

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