--- Comment #5 from W E Brown <webrown.cpp at gmail dot com> ---
I have encountered this issue several more times since my original report, and
am writing to report a pattern I recently noticed among cases that ICE vs
similar cases that compile correctly.  (I'm now using MacPorts gcc6

The following two representative code samples are similar in structure. 
However, the first (is_floating_point_v<>) does compile for me, while the
second (is_pointer_v<>) gives the reported ICE "in instantiate_decl, at

  template< typename T >
  constexpr bool
    is_unqual_floating_point_v = false;
  template< >
  constexpr bool
    is_unqual_floating_point_v<float> = true;
  template< >
  constexpr bool
    is_unqual_floating_point_v<double> = true;
  template< >
  constexpr bool
    is_unqual_floating_point_v<_ldbl> = true;

  template< typename T >
  constexpr bool
    is_floating_point_v = is_unqual_floating_point_v< ::_tt::remove_cv_t<T> >;

  // ----------

  template< typename T >
  constexpr bool
    is_unqual_pointer_v = false;
  template< typename U >
  constexpr bool
    is_unqual_pointer_v<U*> = true;

  template< typename T >
  constexpr bool
    is_pointer_v = is_unqual_pointer_v< ::_tt::remove_cv_t<T> >;

Note that in one case, the is_unqual*<> helper employs complete specialization,
while the helper in the other case uses partial specialization.

I have found this observation to be a reliable discriminator between cases that
compile for me and those that ICE as reported; I hope it may be useful in
analyzing and resolving the issue.

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