--- Comment #6 from Tony Reix <tony.reix at atos dot net> ---
Created attachment 39946
Original sysinfo.go file

Hi Ian

Here is the sysinfo.go file that was generated at first.
The previous sysinfo.go file provided in this bug was the result of a patch in
order to fix some issue and go further.

The faulty line is:
type Ucred struct { Cr_ref int32; Cr_ruid uint32; Cr_uid uint32; Cr_suid
uint32; Cr_luid uint32; Cr_acctid uint32; Cr_gid uint32; Cr_rgid uint32;
Cr_sgid uint32; Cr_ngrps int16; Cr_caps int16; Cr_groupset _groupset_t;
Cr_mpriv _priv_t; Cr_ipriv _priv_t; Cr_epriv _priv_t; Cr_bpriv _priv_t; Cr_pag
int32; } type _ucred_43 struct { ocr_ref int32; Ocr_ruid uint32; Ocr_uid
uint32; Ocr_suid uint32; Ocr_luid uint32; Ocr_acctid uint32; Ocr_gid uint32;
Ocr_rgid uint32; Ocr_sgid uint32; Ocr_ngrps int16; Ocr_groups [31+1]uint32;
Ocr_mpriv _priv_t; Ocr_ipriv _priv_t; Ocr_epriv _priv_t; Ocr_bpriv _priv_t;
Ocr_pag int32; } type _ucred_ext struct { crx_ruid uint32; Crx_uid uint32;
Crx_suid uint32; Crx_luid uint32; Crx_acctid uint32; Crx_gid uint32; Crx_rgid
uint32; Crx_sgid uint32; Crx_ngrps int32; Crx_groups [127+1]uint32;
Crx_reserved_1 int32; Crx_caps ___cap_t; Crx_mpriv _priv_t; Crx_ipriv _priv_t;
Crx_epriv _priv_t; Crx_bpriv _priv_t; Crx_npags int32; Crx_pagids [15+1]uint8;
Crx_pags [15+1]int32; Crx_reserved_2 int32; Crx_roles [7+1]uint32; Crx_nroles
int16; Crx_reserved_3 int16; Crx_flags uint32; Crx_effpriv _privg_t;
Crx_maxpriv _privg_t; Crx_inhpriv _privg_t; Crx_limpriv _privg_t; Crx_usedpriv
_privg_t; Crx_pad [31+1]int32; } type _ucred_ext2_t struct { crx2_labels
_sec_labels_t; Crx_pad [147+1]int32; }

This line contains several definitions, like:
    type Ucred struct { ... } type _ucred_43 struct { ... } type _ucred_ext
struct { ... } type _ucred_ext2_t struct { ... }

It appears that, on AIX, there are several ucred* definitions and the tool does
not handle them correctly.

I've written the following patch for working-around the issue:

--- old/libgo/      2016-10-21 10:45:35 +0200
+++ new/libgo/      2016-10-21 11:03:34 +0200
@@ -532,7 +532,8 @@
       nfields="$nfields $field;"
-    echo "${prefix} {$nfields }"
+# AIX: For ucred case, split joined lines "...} type ..." into several lines
+    echo "${prefix} {$nfields }" | sed -e "s/} type/}\\ntype/g"

@@ -816,7 +817,12 @@
   sed -e 's/^\(const \)_\(SCM_[^= ]*\)\(.*\)$/\1\2 = _\2/' >> ${OUT}

 # The ucred struct.
-upcase_fields "_ucred" "Ucred" >> ${OUT} || true
+# AIX: In addition to: _ucred , -fdump-go-spec finds also: _ucred_43
_ucred_ext _ucred_ext2
+# AIX: For ucred, several types after first one are duplicated. Print only
first one.
+upcase_fields "_ucred"      "Ucred"      | awk '{print $0; exit}' >> ${OUT} ||
+upcase_fields "_ucred_43"   "Ucred_43"   | awk '{print $0; exit}' >> ${OUT} ||
+upcase_fields "_ucred_ext"  "Ucred_ext"  | awk '{print $0; exit}' >> ${OUT} ||
+upcase_fields "_ucred_ext2" "Ucred_ext2" | awk '{print $0; exit}' >> ${OUT} ||

 # The ip_mreq struct.
 grep '^type _ip_mreq ' gen-sysinfo.go | \
@@ -1466,6 +1472,7 @@

 # Struct sizes.
+# AIX: This generates several ucred lines
 set cmsghdr Cmsghdr ip_mreq IPMreq ip_mreqn IPMreqn ipv6_mreq IPv6Mreq \
     ifaddrmsg IfAddrmsg ifinfomsg IfInfomsg in_pktinfo Inet4Pktinfo \
     in6_pktinfo Inet6Pktinfo inotify_event InotifyEvent linger Linger \

I've found also another issue within on AIX:

The "grep -v 'in6_addr'" command removes definition that seem useful.

--- old/libgo/      2016-10-21 10:45:35 +0200
+++ new/libgo/      2016-10-21 11:03:34 +0200
@@ -299,6 +299,15 @@
       -e 's/\([^a-zA-Z0-9_]\)_timestruc_t\([^a-zA-Z0-9_]\)/\1Timestruc\2/g' \
     >> ${OUT}

+# AIX: The _arpcom struct, removed by previous "grep -v 'in6_addr'"
+grep '^type _arpcom ' gen-sysinfo.go | \
+  sed -e 's/\([^a-zA-Z0-9_]\)_timeval\([^a-zA-Z0-9_]\)/\1Timeval\2/g' \
+      -e 's/\([^a-zA-Z0-9_]\)_timespec_t\([^a-zA-Z0-9_]\)/\1Timespec\2/g' \
+      -e 's/\([^a-zA-Z0-9_]\)_timespec\([^a-zA-Z0-9_]\)/\1Timespec\2/g' \
+      -e 's/\([^a-zA-Z0-9_]\)_timestruc_t\([^a-zA-Z0-9_]\)/\1Timestruc\2/g' \
+      -e 's/_in6_addr/[16]byte/' \
+    >> ${OUT}
 # The errno constants.  These get type Errno.
 echo '#include <errno.h>' | ${CC} -x c - -E -dM | \
   egrep '#define E[A-Z0-9_]+ ' | \

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