--- Comment #17 from peien luo <coollpe at hotmail dot com> ---
(In reply to Dmitry Vyukov from comment #16)
> > The stack size limit in my box is 8M. I have also checked /proc/<id>limits.
> So, is increasing stack size help?
> Tsan increases stack consumption. 8MB is not that much provided that you
> have 1MB frames.
> > By enabling -fstack-protector-all, in gdb it still may get segfault here 
> > (at function entry).
> Stack protector will not help to detect/prevent stack overflow. It only
> prevents PC overwrite on buffer overflows.

Increased to 80MB, no help.

In a 4.9.0 tsan case, I have come across a segfault in gdb with back trace:
23      void MutexSet::Add(u64 id, bool write, u64 epoch) {
24        // Look up existing mutex with the same id.
25        for (uptr i = 0; i < size_; i++) {
26          if (descs_[i].id == id) {
27            descs_[i].count++;
28            descs_[i].epoch = epoch;
29            return;
30          }

(gdb) p size_
$2 = 139907922088632

(gdb) bt
#0  0x00007f3ed9c5f37c in __tsan::MutexSet::Add
(this=this@entry=0x7f3ec6f63080, id=55166398195828824, 
    write=write@entry=true, epoch=1680548) at
#1  0x00007f3ed9c555e5 in __tsan::MutexLock (thr=thr@entry=0x7f3ec6e78840,
    addr=addr@entry=138040248895576) at
#2  0x00007f3ed9c4f6ae in __interceptor_pthread_mutex_lock (m=0x7d8c00000858)
    at ../../../../libsanitizer/tsan/

something overflowed?

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