--- Comment #29 from Manfred Schwarb <manfred99 at gmx dot ch> --- Here are the results from my test case from PR82938 (without the "print*,f" statement, which consumes ~1s): 1.1s for GNU Fortran (GCC) 8.0.0 20170828 (experimental) [trunk revision 251373] 3.3s for GNU Fortran (GCC) 8.0.0 20170829 (experimental) [trunk revision 251395] 1.3s for GNU Fortran (GCC) 8.0.0 20171123 (experimental) [trunk revision 255090] 0.4s for version with Fortran wrapper of C function strtof() So, with Jerry's patch gfortran is now only a little slower than before the DTIO patches, so still some minor regression for internal read. But there is still some large gap compared to the C routine version...