--- Comment #2 from Neil Carlson <neil.n.carlson at gmail dot com> ---
Here's another example.  The ICE is coming at the same place, toplev.c:325, so
I think it may be the same underlying problem.  Like the original example, the
ICE occurs only when the main program is in a separate file.

module mod1
  integer :: ncells
end module

module mod2
  function get() result(array)
    use mod1
    real array(ncells)
  end function
end module

With this in a separate file:

use mod2
s = sum(get())

Note that the ICE goes away if "use mod1" is moved up to the module scope.
Here's the traceback

$ gfortran gfortran-20171124f.f90 gfortran-20171124f-main.f90 

 s = sum(get())

internal compiler error: Segmentation fault
0xd6b98f crash_signal
0x90aeeb gfc_finish_var_decl
0x90a274 gfc_get_symbol_decl(gfc_symbol*)
0x920387 gfc_conv_variable
0x91c71a gfc_conv_expr(gfc_se*, gfc_expr*)
0x91ea0a gfc_apply_interface_mapping(gfc_interface_mapping*, gfc_se*,
0x8ebd04 gfc_set_loop_bounds_from_array_spec(gfc_interface_mapping*, gfc_se*,
0x91a5b1 gfc_conv_procedure_call(gfc_se*, gfc_symbol*, gfc_actual_arglist*,
gfc_expr*, vec<tree_node*, va_gc, vl_embed>*)
0x91c6fa gfc_conv_expr(gfc_se*, gfc_expr*)
0x8fa083 gfc_add_loop_ss_code
0x8faab5 gfc_conv_loop_setup(gfc_loopinfo*, locus*)
0x93ad87 gfc_conv_intrinsic_arith
0x93fd3f gfc_conv_intrinsic_function(gfc_se*, gfc_expr*)
0x91c6fa gfc_conv_expr(gfc_se*, gfc_expr*)
0x925065 gfc_trans_assignment_1
0x8e45cf trans_code
0x90e7a8 gfc_generate_function_code(gfc_namespace*)
0x89d036 translate_all_program_units
0x89d036 gfc_parse_file()
0x8e0eaf gfc_be_parse_file

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