--- Comment #15 from Steve Kargl <sgk at troutmask dot> ---
On Thu, Sep 12, 2019 at 12:10:21AM +0000, manfred99 at gmx dot ch wrote:
> c.f:4:15:
>     4 |       ww=CMPLX(1.0_8, 1.0_8)
>       |               1
> Warning: Conversion from REAL(8) to default-kind COMPLEX(4) at (1) might lose
> precision, consider using the KIND argument [-Wconversion]

CMPLX() has historical baggage from Fortran 77.  By default (ie.,
without a kind= argument), it will convert whatever the arguments are
to default real kind.  Most other intrinsic routines obtain the results
kind from an argument, e.g., 'AIMAG(Z)' with 'Z' complex(8) will return
a REAL(8) value.  Note, also the RHS is evaluated without regards to 
the type of LHS variable, so the warning applies to the result of
CMPLX() not from the assignment.

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