--- Comment #3 from Steve Kargl <sgk at troutmask dot> ---
On Sun, Sep 13, 2020 at 08:02:01AM +0000,
> I just noticed that cpp recognizes the extensions .fpp .F and other uppercase
> extensions. 
> This is why I added -cpp in the gfortran command (otherwise I have a 
> diagnostic
> because of #ifdef's
> I have renamed my file with the  .fpp extension; with  "-cpp" in the gfortran
> submission I get the same errors.
> If I compile the file with extension *.f or .fpp without -cpp  
>  1) the compilation has no error 
>  2) a #ifdef...#endif is recognized even with a .f extension, without -cpp, in
> my simple example, (I should check that the directive really is taken into
> account !) 
>  3) IF I compile my full project in a makefile, the absence of "-cpp" in the
> gfortran command induces 
>     a "Illegal preprocessor directive" error in all the routines having that 
> #ifdef...#endif

I don't quite follow you.  But, it come down to gfortran uses
the C pre-processor when asked to pre-process a file.  If you 
have a C language construct such as '/*' in your Fortran code 
it will cause problems.

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