--- Comment #13 from Jerry DeLisle <jvdelisle at gcc dot> ---
Looking at the -fdump-tree-originals in the two cases:

The working case:

{.elem_len=10, .rank=1, .type=6});

The failing case:

D.3962 = (sizetype) NON_LVALUE_EXPR <.cbulist_ru>;


{.elem_len=(unsigned long) SAVE_EXPR <D.3962>, .rank=1, .type=6});

Also one sees this:

Breakpoint 1, _gfortran_st_set_nml_var (dtp=0x7fffffffd2a0, var_addr=0x408910, 
    var_name=0x402053 "cbulist_ru", len=1, string_length=10, dtype=...)
    at ../../../trunk/libgfortran/io/transfer.c:4597
4597    {
(gdb) p *dtype
Structure has no component named operator*.
(gdb) p dtype
$1 = {elem_len = 14971996835529359360, version = 0, rank = 1 '\001', 
  type = 6 '\006', attribute = 0}

The call to _gfortran_st_set_nml_var is created by the frontend as shown in the
dump, the elem_len is bogus.

As far as I can tell then, the front-end is failing in the allocation
initializing the size correctly.

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