--- Comment #5 from Steve Kargl <sgk at troutmask dot> ---
On Tue, Mar 23, 2021 at 02:41:27AM +0000, jvdelisle at gcc dot wrote:
> --- Comment #4 from Jerry DeLisle <jvdelisle at gcc dot> ---
> Setting the character length in the type spec enables this to run correctly, 
> so
> the string length is not getting set correctly in the allocate statement.
> program allocnml
>   implicit none
>   character(len=10), dimension(:), allocatable :: cbulist_ru ! set here
>   integer :: iluseg
>   namelist /nam_bu_ru/ cbulist_ru
>   allocate( character(len=10) :: cbulist_ru(5) )
>   open(newunit=iluseg, file='list.nml', status='old', &
>        action='read', form='formatted', access='sequential')
>   read(unit=iluseg, nml=nam_bu_ru)
>   print *, cbulist_ru

I don't use namelist, so will defer to you on the details.
I input file only defines cbulist_ru(1) through cbulist_ru(4),
so the namelist initializes only an array section.  If that
is conforming, then technically the print statement is invalid,
because cbulist_ru(5) is uninitialized.

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