--- Comment #13 from Gejoe <gejoed at rediffmail dot com> ---
I modified my sample-prog.c file just by adding a line of  __gcov_reset before
the while loop. 

However after a.out run , the sample-prog.c.gcov file was still showing the
counters though I didn't give 'g' for __gcov_dump invocation.

Quoting a portion from sample-prog.c.gcov file :

#####:    9:int main()
        -:   10:{
        -:   11:    unsigned char c;
        -:   12:    int result;
    #####:   13:    unsigned char data[]={127,49,255,255};
    #####:   14:    c = '5';
        -:   15: 
    #####:   16:    __gcov_reset();                                            
      <<<<<<<<Added here jin the original sample-prog.c file just to check the
reset behaviour
        -:   17:    do {
        -:   18:   
        4:   19:        c = getchar();
        4:   20:        result = isalnum(c);
        4:   21:        printf("When %c is passed, return value is %d\n", c,
        -:   22: 
        4:   23:        if(c == 'g')
        1:   24:            __gcov_dump();
        3:   25:        else if(c == 'r')
    #####:   26:            __gcov_reset();
        -:   27:
        3:   28:    }while(c != 'c');

I'm trying to now when would __gcov_reset help us in seeing the counter values
reset to ##### instead of old data(numbers like 4,1,3, etc in .c.gcov file).

Let me know if I miss any info.

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