--- Comment #16 from Gejoe <gejoed at rediffmail dot com> ---
Created attachment 50881
sample-prog.c edited to show __gcov_reset call.

The steps used for compiling and running the attached .c file are as follows:
   gcc -v -save-temps  -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage sample-prog.c 
   gcc   -fprofile-arcs -ftest-coverage sample-prog.o

The output of a.out run is :
__gcov_dump() invoked!
__gcov_reset() invoked!
__gcov_dump() invoked!
__gcov_reset() invoked!

$ gcov sample-prog.c
sample-prog.c:source file is newer than notes file 'sample-prog.gcno'
(the message is displayed only once per source file)
File 'sample-prog.c'
Lines executed:83.33% of 18
Creating 'sample-prog.c.gcov'

$ cat sample-prog.c.gcov
        -:    0:Source:sample-prog.c
        -:    0:Graph:sample-prog.gcno
        -:    0:Data:sample-prog.gcda
        -:    0:Runs:2
        -:    0:Programs:1
        -:    0:Source is newer than graph
        -:    1:#include <stdio.h>
        -:    2:#include <ctype.h>
        -:    3:#include <unistd.h>
        -:    4:
        -:    5:extern void __gcov_reset(void);
        -:    6:extern void __gcov_flush(void);
        -:    7:extern void __gcov_dump( void);
        -:    8:
        2:    9:int main()
        -:   10:{
        -:   11:    unsigned char c;
        2:   12:    int count=0;
        2:   13:        c = 'g';
        -:   14:
        -:   15:        do {
        -:   16:   
        -:   17:                if(c == 'g'){
        -:   18:                        __gcov_dump();
       20:   19:                        printf("__gcov_dump() invoked!\n");
        4:   20:                        c = 'r';
    #####:   21:                }
    #####:   22:                else if(c == 'r'){
        -:   23:                        __gcov_reset();
       16:   24:                        printf("__gcov_reset() invoked!\n");
    #####:   25:                        c = 'f';
        4:   26:                }
        4:   27:                if(count == 2)
        -:   28:                        c = 'g';
       20:   29:                else if (count > 10)
        2:   30:                        c = 'e';
       18:   31:                count++;
        2:   32:        }while(c != 'e');
       20:   33:    
       20:   34:        return 0;
        -:   35:}

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