--- Comment #5 from Jonathan Wakely <redi at gcc dot> ---
This should work:

--- a/libstdc++-v3/config/os/newlib/ctype_base.h
+++ b/libstdc++-v3/config/os/newlib/ctype_base.h
     // NB: Offsets into ctype<char>::_M_table force a particular size
     // on the mask type. Because of this, we don't use an enum.
     typedef char               mask;
+#if defined _U && defined _L && defined _N && defined _S
     static const mask upper            = _U;
     static const mask lower    = _L;
     static const mask alpha    = _U | _L;
     static const mask cntrl    = _C;
     static const mask punct    = _P;
     static const mask alnum    = _U | _L | _N;
+    static const mask upper            = _ISupper;
+    static const mask lower    = _ISlower;
+    static const mask alpha    = _ISupper | _ISlower;
+    static const mask digit    = _ISdigit;
+    static const mask xdigit   = _ISxdigit | _ISdigit;
+    static const mask space    = _ISspace;
+    static const mask print    = _ISpunct | _ISupper | _ISlower | _ISdigit |
+    static const mask graph    = _ISpunct | _ISupper | _ISlower | _ISdigit;
+    static const mask cntrl    = _IScntrl;
+    static const mask punct    = _ISpunct;
+    static const mask alnum    = _ISupper | _ISlower | _ISdigit;
 #if __cplusplus >= 201103L
     static const mask blank    = space;

But of course we can't fix already-released versions.

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