--- Comment #6 from David Binderman <dcb314 at hotmail dot com> ---
Here are the results from -ftime-report, with the 0.0% lines removed:

Time variable                                   usr           sys          wall
 phase opt and generate             : 199.90 (100%)   0.92 ( 87%) 206.57 (100%)
  581M ( 99%)
 callgraph functions expansion      : 193.45 ( 97%)   0.81 ( 76%) 199.89 ( 97%)
  568M ( 96%)
 callgraph ipa passes               :   6.32 (  3%)   0.10 (  9%)   6.53 (  3%)
 5915k (  1%)
 CSE                                :   1.18 (  1%)   0.01 (  1%)   1.22 (  1%)
 3346k (  1%)
 dead store elim2                   :   2.62 (  1%)   0.07 (  7%)   2.75 (  1%)
   85M ( 14%)
 PRE                                :  14.61 (  7%)   0.35 ( 33%)  15.48 (  7%)
  385M ( 65%)
 scheduling                         : 142.72 ( 71%)   0.12 ( 11%) 146.64 ( 71%)
 5015k (  1%)
 integrated RA                      :   1.08 (  1%)   0.02 (  2%)   1.15 (  1%)
   26M (  4%)
 TOTAL                              : 200.06          1.06        206.91       

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