--- Comment #24 from David Binderman <dcb314 at hotmail dot com> ---
I tried experimenting with the flags that change -O1 into -O2 and got this:

$ for i in ~/gcc/results.202205*/bin/gcc; do echo $i; $i -w
-ftrivial-auto-var-init=zero -O1 -fno-strict-aliasing bug892.c && (./a.out 1 |
fgrep g_50); done
...checksum after hashing g_50 : 646CF84D
...checksum after hashing g_50 : 646CF84D
...checksum after hashing g_50 : 646CF84D

$ for i in ~/gcc/results.202205*/bin/gcc; do echo $i; $i -w
-ftrivial-auto-var-init=zero -O1 -fcode-hoisting -fno-strict-aliasing bug892.c
&& (./a.out 1 | fgrep g_50); done
...checksum after hashing g_50 : 646CF84D
...checksum after hashing g_50 : 646CF84D
...checksum after hashing g_50 : C21BF3F9

so the -fcode-hoisting looks to be part of the problem.

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