--- Comment #5 from Bálint Aradi <baradi09 at gmail dot com> ---
I also think that by allowing for explicit EORs caused by achar(10) characters
in the variable being written or by explicit new_line() calls, the standard
made the formatted stream output probably more complicated then it is worth of.
And the fact that apparently none of the widely used compilers handle those
cases correctly, also indicates over-complication.

However, I still think, that formatted stream output has its justification, as
it allows you to become independent from record length limits, which are set up
when a file is opened and which can not be adapted afterwards. We had been hit
by run-time errors a few times, when the character variable being written
turned out to be too big. (Of course, one could do unformatted stream output
instead, but then one always have to think about adding the newlines manually
at the end of each line...)

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