--- Comment #6 from Jan Hubicka <hubicka at gcc dot> ---
hottest loop in clang's profile is:
  for (size_t y = 0; y < opsin.ysize(); y++) {
    for (size_t x = 0; x < opsin.xsize(); x++) {
      if (is_background_row[y * is_background_stride + x]) continue;
      stack.emplace_back(x, y);
      size_t min_x = x;
      size_t max_x = x;
      size_t min_y = y;
      size_t max_y = y;
      std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> reference;
      bool found_border = false;
      bool all_similar = true;
      while (!stack.empty()) {
        std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> cur = stack.back();
        if (visited_row[cur.second * visited_stride + cur.first]) continue;
closed by this continue.
        visited_row[cur.second * visited_stride + cur.first] = 1;
        if (cur.first < min_x) min_x = cur.first;
        if (cur.first > max_x) max_x = cur.first;
        if (cur.second < min_y) min_y = cur.second;
        if (cur.second > max_y) max_y = cur.second;
        if (paint_ccs) {
        for (int dx = -kSearchRadius; dx <= kSearchRadius; dx++) {
          for (int dy = -kSearchRadius; dy <= kSearchRadius; dy++) {
            if (dx == 0 && dy == 0) continue;
            int next_first = static_cast<int32_t>(cur.first) + dx;
            int next_second = static_cast<int32_t>(cur.second) + dy;
            if (next_first < 0 || next_second < 0 ||
                static_cast<uint32_t>(next_first) >= opsin.xsize() ||
                static_cast<uint32_t>(next_second) >= opsin.ysize()) {
            std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> next{next_first, next_second};
            if (!is_background_row[next.second * is_background_stride +
                                   next.first]) {
            } else {
              if (!found_border) {
                reference = next;
                found_border = true;
              } else {
                if (!is_similar_b(next, reference)) all_similar = false;
      if (!found_border || !all_similar || max_x - min_x >= kMaxPatchSize ||
          max_y - min_y >= kMaxPatchSize) {
      size_t bpos = background_stride * reference.second + reference.first;
      float ref[3] = {background_rows[0][bpos], background_rows[1][bpos],
      bool has_similar = false;
      for (size_t iy = std::max<int>(
               static_cast<int32_t>(min_y) - kHasSimilarRadius, 0);
           iy < std::min(max_y + kHasSimilarRadius + 1, opsin.ysize()); iy++) {
        for (size_t ix = std::max<int>(
                 static_cast<int32_t>(min_x) - kHasSimilarRadius, 0);
             ix < std::min(max_x + kHasSimilarRadius + 1, opsin.xsize());
             ix++) {
          size_t opos = opsin_stride * iy + ix;
          float px[3] = {opsin_rows[0][opos], opsin_rows[1][opos],
          if (pci.is_similar_v(ref, px, kHasSimilarThreshold)) {
            has_similar = true;
      if (!has_similar) continue;
      info.back().second.emplace_back(min_x, min_y);
      QuantizedPatch& patch = info.back().first;
      patch.xsize = max_x - min_x + 1;
      patch.ysize = max_y - min_y + 1;
      int max_value = 0;
      for (size_t c : {1, 0, 2}) {
        for (size_t iy = min_y; iy <= max_y; iy++) {
          for (size_t ix = min_x; ix <= max_x; ix++) {
            size_t offset = (iy - min_y) * patch.xsize + ix - min_x;
            patch.fpixels[c][offset] =
                opsin_rows[c][iy * opsin_stride + ix] - ref[c];
            int val = pci.Quantize(patch.fpixels[c][offset], c);
            patch.pixels[c][offset] = val;
            if (std::abs(val) > max_value) max_value = std::abs(val);
      if (max_value < kMinPeak) {
      if (paint_ccs) {
        float cc_color = rng.UniformF(0.5, 1.0);
        for (std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> p : cc) {
          ccs.Row(p.second)[p.first] = cc_color;

I guess such a large loop nest with hottest loop not being the innermost is bad
for register pressure. 
Clangs code is :
  0.02 │1196:┌─→cmp          %r10,-0xb8(%rbp)                                  
       │     │jxl::FindBestPatchDictionary(jxl::Image3<float> const&,
jxl::PassesEncoderState*, JxlCmsInterface co▒
       │     │while (!stack.empty()) {                                         
  1.39 │     │↓ je           1690                                              
       │     │std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> cur = stack.back();                
       │11a3:│  mov          -0x8(%r10),%rbx                                   
  9.80 │     │  mov          -0x230(%rbp),%r14                                 
       │     │__gnu_cxx::__normal_iterator<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned
int>*, std::vector<std::pair<unsigned ▒
       │     │{ return __normal_iterator(_M_current - __n); }                  
  0.86 │     │  add          $0xfffffffffffffff8,%r10                          
       │     │jxl::FindBestPatchDictionary(jxl::Image3<float> const&,
jxl::PassesEncoderState*, JxlCmsInterface co▒
  0.36 │     │  mov          %rbx,%r13                                         
  0.01 │     │  shr          $0x20,%r13                                        
       │     │if (visited_row[cur.second * visited_stride + cur.first])
continue;                                 ▒
  2.69 │     │  mov          %ebx,%eax                                         
  0.00 │     │  mov          %r13,%rcx                                         
  1.12 │     │  imul         -0x180(%rbp),%rcx                                 
  0.78 │     │  add          %rax,%rcx                                         
  2.73 │     ├──cmpb         $0x0,(%r14,%rcx,1)                                
 19.91 │     └──jne          1196                                              

While GCC is longer:
Percent│     Percent│      while (!stack.empty()) {                            
       │1241:┌─→cmp         %rax,-0x370(%rbp)                                  
  0.70 │     │↓ je          1481                                               
       │     │std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> cur = stack.back();                
  0.02 │124e:│  mov         -0x8(%rax),%rdx                                    
       │     │std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>,
std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> > >::pop_back▒
       │     │--this->_M_impl._M_finish;                                       
  0.63 │     │  sub         $0x8,%rax                                          
  0.74 │     │  mov         %rax,-0x368(%rbp)                                  
       │     │FindTextLikePatches():                                           
  0.01 │     │  mov         %edx,%esi                                          
  0.35 │     │  mov         %rdx,%rdi                                          
  0.82 │     │  mov         %rdx,-0x490(%rbp)                                  
       │     │if (visited_row[cur.second * visited_stride + cur.first])
continue;                                                  ▒
  0.00 │     │  mov         -0x5f8(%rbp),%rdx                                  
       │     │std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> cur = stack.back();                
  1.32 │     │  shr         $0x20,%rdi                                         
  0.11 │     │  mov         %rsi,%r15                                          
  0.09 │     │  mov         %edi,%ecx                                          
       │     │if (visited_row[cur.second * visited_stride + cur.first])
continue;                                                  ▒
  0.72 │     │  mov         -0x5f0(%rbp),%rdi                                  
       │     │std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> cur = stack.back();                
  0.03 │     │  mov         %rcx,%r12                                          
       │     │if (visited_row[cur.second * visited_stride + cur.first])
continue;                                                  ▒
  0.39 │     │  imul        %rcx,%rdx                                          
  1.00 │     │  add         %rsi,%rdx                                          
  1.35 │     │  add         %rdi,%rdx                                          
  1.37 │     ├──cmpb        $0x0,(%rdx)                                        
  9.56 │     └──jne         1241                                               
                                                   ▒ while (!stack.empty()) {  
       │1241:┌─→cmp         %rax,-0x370(%rbp)                                  
  0.70 │     │↓ je          1481                                               
       │     │std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> cur = stack.back();                
  0.02 │124e:│  mov         -0x8(%rax),%rdx                                    
       │     │std::vector<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int>,
std::allocator<std::pair<unsigned int, unsigned int> > >::pop_back▒
       │     │--this->_M_impl._M_finish;                                       
  0.63 │     │  sub         $0x8,%rax                                          
  0.74 │     │  mov         %rax,-0x368(%rbp)                                  
       │     │FindTextLikePatches():                                           
  0.01 │     │  mov         %edx,%esi                                          
  0.35 │     │  mov         %rdx,%rdi                                          
  0.82 │     │  mov         %rdx,-0x490(%rbp)                                  
       │     │if (visited_row[cur.second * visited_stride + cur.first])
continue;                                                  ▒
  0.00 │     │  mov         -0x5f8(%rbp),%rdx                                  
       │     │std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> cur = stack.back();                
  1.32 │     │  shr         $0x20,%rdi                                         
  0.11 │     │  mov         %rsi,%r15                                          
  0.09 │     │  mov         %edi,%ecx                                          
       │     │if (visited_row[cur.second * visited_stride + cur.first])
continue;                                                  ▒
  0.72 │     │  mov         -0x5f0(%rbp),%rdi                                  
       │     │std::pair<uint32_t, uint32_t> cur = stack.back();                
  0.03 │     │  mov         %rcx,%r12                                          
       │     │if (visited_row[cur.second * visited_stride + cur.first])
continue;                                                  ▒
  0.39 │     │  imul        %rcx,%rdx                                          
  1.00 │     │  add         %rsi,%rdx                                          
  1.35 │     │  add         %rdi,%rdx                                          
  1.37 │     ├──cmpb        $0x0,(%rdx)                                        
  9.56 │     └──jne         1241                                               

Moreover we have heuristics saying that continue usually closes loops with low
trip count.
-fno-ivopts improves performance with --num_threads=0 however makes number of
instructions worse. Curiously enought with --num_threads=1 and more ivopts is

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