--- Comment #8 from Michael Duggan <mwd at md5i dot com> ---
Using the better test case, I have determined that the coroutine _is_ being
instrumented with gcov counters.  When disassembled, the output contains the
following in the bar() actor function:

Dump of assembler code for function bar(_Z3barv.Frame *):
   0x00005555555567a3 <+527>:   mov    0x5286(%rip),%rax        #
0x55555555ba30 <>
   0x00005555555567aa <+534>:   add    $0x1,%rax
   0x00005555555567ae <+538>:   mov    %rax,0x527b(%rip)        #
0x55555555ba30 <>
=> 0x00005555555567b5 <+545>:   call   0x555555556359 <_Z5emptyv>
   0x00005555555567ba <+550>:   mov    0x5277(%rip),%rax        #
0x55555555ba38 <>
   0x00005555555567c1 <+557>:   add    $0x1,%rax
   0x00005555555567c5 <+561>:   mov    %rax,0x526c(%rip)        #
0x55555555ba38 <>
   0x00005555555567cc <+568>:   call   0x555555556359 <_Z5emptyv>
   0x00005555555567d1 <+573>:   mov    0x5268(%rip),%rax        #
0x55555555ba40 <>
   0x00005555555567d8 <+580>:   add    $0x1,%rax
   0x00005555555567dc <+584>:   mov    %rax,0x525d(%rip)        #
0x55555555ba40 <>
   0x00005555555567e3 <+591>:   call   0x555555556359 <_Z5emptyv>

Therefore, the problem probably lies in either in the mapping from the counters
to the line numbers or in gcov itself, possibly by missing the "actor" version
of bar in favor of the ramp function.

I'll note the following entries in the symbol table, from readelf:

    36: 0000000000007aa0    96 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT   27 __gcov0._Z3barv
    37: 0000000000002594   943 FUNC    LOCAL  DEFAULT   15
bar(bar()::_Z3barv.Frame*) [clone .actor]
    38: 0000000000002943    83 FUNC    LOCAL  DEFAULT   15
bar(bar()::_Z3barv.Frame*) [clone .destroy]
    39: 00000000000079c0   216 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT   27
    40: 00000000000079b0    16 OBJECT  LOCAL  DEFAULT   27
   107: 00000000000023e2   434 FUNC    GLOBAL DEFAULT   15 bar()

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