--- Comment #10 from Kevin Puetz <puetzk at puetzk dot org> ---
The godbolt recipe also nails down the other end of the version range - 5.4
produced something weirder still (a single DW_TAG_variable with
DW_AT_external=true, but also with DW_AT_location and DW_AT_upper_bound present
- so it kind of mushed the two decls together with all the attributes of both).

6.1 starts emitting two separate DW_TAG_variable DIEs, one with
DW_AT_external=true and the other with DW_AT_location, using
DW_AT_specification to link them; but it lost the DW_AT_upper_bound. Then
10.1...trunk all seem fixed, emitting an incomplete `extern` and a complete
definition, as it should.

So "Known to fail" should be 6.1-9.5, "Known to Work" should be 10.0+ (and bug
91507 can also be marked "RESOLVED FIXED" since 10.1 is long since released).
I'd update the metadata myself but don't the permission bits...

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