On 25 September 2015 at 22:18, Manuel López-Ibáñez
<lopeziba...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 25 September 2015 at 22:11, David Malcolm <dmalc...@redhat.com> wrote:

   context->last_location = diagnostic_location (diagnostic, 0);
-  expanded_location s0 = diagnostic_expand_location (diagnostic, 0);
-  expanded_location s1 = { };
-  /* Zero-initialized. This is checked later by
diagnostic_print_caret_line.  */

-  if (diagnostic_location (diagnostic, 1) > BUILTINS_LOCATION)
-    s1 = diagnostic_expand_location (diagnostic, 1);
+  if (context->frontend_calls_diagnostic_print_caret_line_p)
+    {
+      /* The GCC < 6 routine. */
+      expanded_location s0 = diagnostic_expand_location (diagnostic, 0);
+      expanded_location s1 = { };
+      /* Zero-initialized. This is checked later by
+     diagnostic_print_caret_line.  */
+      if (diagnostic_num_locations (diagnostic) >= 2)
+    s1 = diagnostic->message.m_richloc->get_range (1)->m_start;

-  diagnostic_print_caret_line (context, s0, s1,
-                   context->caret_chars[0],
-                   context->caret_chars[1]);
+      diagnostic_print_caret_line (context, s0, s1,
+                   context->caret_chars[0],
+                   context->caret_chars[1]);
+    }
+  else
+    /* The GCC >= 6 routine.  */
+    diagnostic_print_ranges (context, diagnostic);

I haven't had time to look at the patch in detail, so please excuse me
if this is answered elsewhere.

Why do you need this hack? The whole point of moving Fortran to the
common machinery is to not have this duplication.

Can't the new code print one caret without ranges ever? Something like:

error: expected ';'

If it can, then the function responsible for doing that can be called
by Fortran and it should replace diagnostic_print_caret_line.

Or is it that the new diagnostic_print_ranges cannot print multiple
carets in the same line? Like this

error: error at (1) and (2)
  adfadfafd asdfdaffa
   1            2

If this is the case, this is a missing functionality that
diagnostic_print_caret_line already has and that was ready to be used
in C/C++. See example at  (O) here:

In my mind, it should be possible for Fortran to pass to the
diagnostics machinery two locations with range width 1 (or 0,
depending how you want to represent a range that covers exactly one
char) and get a caret line like the example above. Why is this not



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