Hi David,

On Tue, 1 Mar 2016, David Malcolm wrote:
> The attached patch adds "id" attributes to every h2, h3 and h4 element
> in the page, so that people can create URLs that reference specific
> subsections of the guide.

this is a great idea!

Allow me to suggest some potential tweaks wrt to the actual choices.

The patch is fine if you consider these (which is not the same is
necessarily implementing all of them though I might be disappointed
if you discard all of them ;-).

+<h2 id="cp">C++ language issues</h2>

Here I believe "cxx" is more natural/common.

+<h3 id="gnu-plus-plus-14">Default standard is now GNU++14</h3>

"gxx14", perhaps?  Consider this a weaker recommendation than "cxx"
above, though.

+<h4 id="overloaded-abs">Call of overloaded '<code>abs(unsigned 
int&amp;)</code>' is ambiguous</h4>

Somehow I couldn't help thinking about a six packs here. ;-)

+<h3 id="deprecation-of-auto_ptr">Deprecation of <code>std::auto_ptr</code></h3>

Here, how about just using "auto_ptr"?


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