On Wed, 2016-03-02 at 00:10 +0100, Gerald Pfeifer wrote:
> Hi David,
> On Tue, 1 Mar 2016, David Malcolm wrote:
> > The attached patch adds "id" attributes to every h2, h3 and h4
> > element
> > in the page, so that people can create URLs that reference specific
> > subsections of the guide.
> this is a great idea!
> Allow me to suggest some potential tweaks wrt to the actual choices.
> The patch is fine if you consider these (which is not the same is
> necessarily implementing all of them though I might be disappointed
> if you discard all of them ;-).
> +<h2 id="cp">C++ language issues</h2>
> Here I believe "cxx" is more natural/common.
Indeed, this is what the changes.html document uses.


> +<h3 id="gnu-plus-plus-14">Default standard is now GNU++14</h3>
> "gxx14", perhaps?  Consider this a weaker recommendation than "cxx"
> above, though.


> +<h4 id="overloaded-abs">Call of overloaded '<code>abs(unsigned
> int&amp;)</code>' is ambiguous</h4>
> Somehow I couldn't help thinking about a six packs here. ;-)
> +<h3 id="deprecation-of-auto_ptr">Deprecation of
> <code>std::auto_ptr</code></h3>
> Here, how about just using "auto_ptr"?

I didn't bother with the other two tweaks.


Committed to CVS, and it appears to be live on the website, so links
like the following now work:

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