Am 16. Juni 2018 23:14:08 MESZ schrieb Thomas Koenig <>:
>Hi Janus,
>> I happen to hold the opinion that optimizing out a call to a pure 
>> function may be reasonable if it does not influence the result of an 
>> expression, but optimizing out an effectively impure function (i.e.
>> with side effects) is not a good idea at any time, since such an 
>> 'optimization' can drastically change the program flow and all
>> results of a piece of code.
>Well, I am of a different opinion

Of course opinions can differ. But could you explain what in my above 
statements sounds unreasonable to you? Otherwise it's hard to have an 
argument-based discussion.

>and so is the Fortran standard.

I don't think anything I wrote is in conflict with the standard. As I see it, 
the standard neither demands nor forbids short-circuiting. I'm just trying to 
fill that void in a reasonable way (having as much optimization as possible 
without altering results).

>I think the compiler should strive to, in that order,
>- conform to the language standard
>- generate fast programs
>- warn about features which may trip the user

I certainly agree to all of that, with the amendment that generating correct 
results should have precedence over generating fast programs.

>In my patch, I have tried to do all three things at the same time, and
>after this discussion, I still think that this is the right path
>to follow.
>So, here is an update on the patch, which also covers ALLOCATED.
>Regression-tested. OK?

I absolutely welcome the warnings for impure functions as second operand to 
.and./.or. operators, but (as noted earlier) I disagree with changing the 
ordering of operands. As our lengthy discussions show, things are already 
complicated enough, and this additional optimization just adds to the confusion 


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