On Tue, Jun 26, 2018 at 11:12:40PM +0200, Thomas Koenig wrote:
> Hi Janus,
> with your patch, we would only warn about
> var .and. func()
> and not about
> func() .and. var.
> AFAIK, TRUTH_AND_EXPR does not guarantee that func() will
> always be exectued, or if it does, I have not seen the
> documentation; it just happens to match what we currently
> see (which may be due to missed optimizatins in the back end,
> or the lack of test cases exposing this).

If you are talking about what the middle-end does, TRUTH_AND_EXPR
always evaluates side-effects in both operands, while for
TRUTH_ANDIF_EXPR it evaluates the second operand only if the first operand
is not false.


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