On Wed, Nov 20, 2019 at 11:35 PM Thomas König <t...@tkoenig.net> wrote:
> Am 20.11.19 um 21:45 schrieb Janne Blomqvist:
> > BTW, since this is done for the purpose of optimization, have you done
> > testing on some suitable benchmark suite such as polyhedron, whether
> > it a) generates any different code b) does it make it go faster?
> I haven't run any actual benchmarks.
> However, there is a simple example which shows its advantages.
> Consider
>        subroutine foo(n,m)
>        m = 0
>        do 100 i=1,100
>          call bar
>          m = m + n
>   100  continue
>        end
> (I used old-style DO loops just because :-)
> Without the optimization, the inner loop is translated to
> .L2:
>          xorl    %eax, %eax
>          call    bar_
>          movl    (%r12), %eax
>          addl    %eax, 0(%rbp)
>          subl    $1, %ebx
>          jne     .L2
> and with the optimization to
> .L2:
>          xorl    %eax, %eax
>          call    bar_
>          addl    %r12d, 0(%rbp)
>          subl    $1, %ebx
>          jne     .L2
> so the load of the address is missing.  (Why do we zero %eax
> before each call? It should not be a variadic call right?)

Not sure. Maybe some belt and suspenders thing? I guess someone better
versed in ABI minutiae knows better. It's not Fortran-specific though,
the C frontend does the same when calling a void function.

AFAIK on reasonably current OoO CPU's xor'ing a register with itself
is handled by the renamer and doesn't consume an execute slot, so it's
in effect a zero-cycle instruction. Still bloats the code slightly,

> Of course, Fortran language rules specify that the call to bar
> cannot do anything to n

Hmm, does it? What about the following modification to your testcase:

module nmod
  integer :: n
end module nmod

subroutine foo(n,m)
  m = 0
  do 100 i=1,100
     call bar
     m = m + n
100  continue
end subroutine foo

subroutine bar()
  use nmod
  n = 0
end subroutine bar

program main
  use nmod
  implicit none
  integer :: m
  n = 1
  m = 0
  call foo(n, m)
  print *, m
end program main

> So, a copy in / copy out for variables where we can not be sure that
> no value is assigned?  Does anybody see a downside for that?)

In principle sounds good, unless my concerns above are real and affect
this case too.

> > Is there a risk of performance regressions due to higher register pressure?
> I don't think so. Either the compiler realizes that it can
> keep the variable in a register (then it makes no difference),
> or it has to load it fresh from its address (then there is
> one additional register needed).

Yes, true. Good point.

Janne Blomqvist

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