On 11/20/19 11:18 PM, Janne Blomqvist wrote:

Of course, Fortran language rules specify that the call to bar
cannot do anything to n
Hmm, does it? What about the following modification to your testcase:

This code violates (quote from F2018):

"  Restrictions on entities associated with dummy arguments"
"While an entity is associated with a dummy argument, the following restrictions hold." "[…] (3)   Action that affects the value of the entity or any subobject of it shall be taken only through the dummy argument unless"
"(a) the dummy argument has the POINTER attribute, […]"
(Some more related to TARGET attribute and to coarrays, which also do not apply here.)

Not listed there, but the asynchronous attribute (Section 8.5.4) would be also a way to disable the optimization we are talking about.



module nmod
   integer :: n
end module nmod

subroutine foo(n,m)
   m = 0
   do 100 i=1,100
      call bar
      m = m + n
100  continue
end subroutine foo

subroutine bar()
   use nmod
   n = 0
end subroutine bar

program main
   use nmod
   implicit none
   integer :: m
   n = 1
   m = 0
   call foo(n, m)
   print *, m
end program main

So, a copy in / copy out for variables where we can not be sure that
no value is assigned?  Does anybody see a downside for that?)
In principle sounds good, unless my concerns above are real and affect
this case too.

Is there a risk of performance regressions due to higher register pressure?
I don't think so. Either the compiler realizes that it can
keep the variable in a register (then it makes no difference),
or it has to load it fresh from its address (then there is
one additional register needed).
Yes, true. Good point.

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