Dear Paul,

thanks for the review!

I cry foul at this point :-)  I have gone gallivanting off to try to
fix really horrid regressions like 52012, whilst you are have fun
doing interesting things.....

Well, that way my revenge for not getting a review for my default-initializer patch since over a week ... ;-)

I hope that fixing the regression will not be too complicated, it didn't look trivial, though. I have to admit that I didn't quite see whether gfortran currently does a reallocation or not. In principle it shouldn't if the shape doesn't change - especially not if the left-hand side has the target attribute.

I notice that you are making good use of recent additions to
trans-expr.c.  Should we do trans-class.c before the release?

Maybe. Though, I have to admit, having those macros in trans-expr.c is also fine with me.


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