Le 30/10/2022 à 20:23, Mikael Morin a écrit :
Another probable issue is your change to create_function_arglist changes arglist/hidden_arglist without also changing typelist/hidden_typelist accordingly.  I think a change to gfc_get_function_type is also necessary: as the function decl is changed, the decl type need to be changed as well.

I will see whether I can manage to exhibit testcases for these issues.

Here is a test for the type vs decl mismatch.

! { dg-do run }
! PR fortran/107441
! Check that procedure types and procedure decls match when the procedure
! has both chaacter-typed and optional value args.

program p
    subroutine i(c, o)
      character(*) :: c
      integer, optional, value :: o
    end subroutine i
  end interface
  procedure(i), pointer :: pp
  call pp("abcd")
  subroutine s(c, o)
    character(*) :: c
    integer, optional, value :: o
    if (present(o)) stop 1
    if (len(c) /= 4) stop 2
    if (c /= "abcd") stop 3
  end subroutine s
end program p

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