On Fri, Nov 15, 2013 at 10:34:28PM +0400, Konstantin Serebryany wrote:
> +samsonov, who wrote the clang part
> Do you plan to add tests?

OT, what is the -fsanitize=address,use-after-scope doing?  Tried that
and it didn't seem to do anything at all, besides adding some extra
start/end scope markers to the IL, but not actually adding any
instrumentation.  Is that just not done yet?  What are you planning for
that?  For a subset of vars poison them upon entry to the function and
then when entering their scope unpoison them and when leaving scope poison
them again?  GCC right now has just var ={v} {CLOBBER}; statements that
mark vars going out of scope, we could add for asan only add also into scope
markers, make sure they are never optimized away (current CLOBBERs are just
optimization hints and in some cases it is better to optimize them away
rather than e.g. get worse EH code), but because they are used for
optimizations, programs with use-after-scope bugs often get miscompiled by
GCC (well, they have undefined behavior, so miscompiled is a weird term),
it would be nice to have asan complain about those.


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