On Mon, Aug 11, 2014 at 05:04:20PM +0100, Gary Benson wrote:
> +     case 's':
> +       seed = atoi (optarg);
> +       break;
> +
> +     case 't':
> +       timeout = atoi (optarg);
> +       break;
> +
> +     case 'm':
> +       maxcount = atoi (optarg);
> +       break;
> +     }
> +    }
> +  while (optchr != -1);
> +
> +  if (seed == -1)
> +    seed = time (NULL);
> +  srand (seed);
> +  printf ("%s: seed = %d\n", program_name, seed);

That will still make it non-reproduceable if time returns -1
(well, as you cast time_t to int, that can be e.g. on 64-bit arches
any time which has 0xffffffff in the low 32 bits).  So perhaps do
  if (seed == -1)
      seed = time (NULL);
      if (seed == -1) seed = 0;
or something similar?

> +  if (timeout != -1)
> +    {
> +      signal (SIGALRM, alarm_handler);
> +      alarm (timeout);
> +    }

Not sure how much portable signal/alarm is.  So probably should be guarded
by the existence of signal.h, SIGALRM being defined etc.


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