"Michael N. Moran" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:


| While I'm on my soap-box ...
| I would like to see some sort of alignment qualifiers
| added to the C++ language for those of us that need
| to deal with directly with page/cache alignment
| (for both types and objects.)

We just discuss (again) the topic a few minutes ago in the C++
evolution group. I'm taking care of this.  A proposal with tentative
standardese will be in the post-Lillehammer mailing.  Anyone
interested in this may send me an email and I'll be glad to send them a
copy for review/comments. 
(Notice that TR1 already has a suggestion for aligned_storage).

Independently of that, I believe the issue raised by Jason is of most
importance and need not be diverted.

-- Gaby

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