On 2005-05-25 19:27:21 +0200, Allan Sandfeld Jensen wrote:
> Yes. I still don't understand why gcc doesn't do -ffast-math by
> default like all other compilers.

No! And I really don't think that other compilers do that.
It would be very bad, would not conform to the C standard[*]
and would make lots of codes fail.

[*] See for instance:  Program execution
       [#14] EXAMPLE 5 Rearrangement for floating-point expressions
       is  often  restricted because of limitations in precision as
       well as range.  The implementation  cannot  generally  apply
       the   mathematical   associative   rules   for  addition  or
       multiplication,  nor  the  distributive  rule,  because   of
       roundoff   error,  even  in  the  absence  of  overflow  and
       underflow.   Likewise,  implementations   cannot   generally
       replace decimal constants in order to rearrange expressions.
       In  the  following  fragment,  rearrangements  suggested  by
       mathematical rules for real numbers are often not valid (see

               double x, y, z;
               /* ... */
               x = (x * y) * z;  // not equivalent to x *= y * z;
               z = (x - y) + y ; // not equivalent to z = x;
               z = x + x * y;    // not equivalent to z = x * (1.0 + y);
               y = x / 5.0;      // not equivalent to y = x * 0.2;

> The people who needs perfect standard behavior are a lot fewer than
> all the packagers who doesn't understand which optimization flags
> gcc should _always_ be called with.

Standard should be the default.

(Is this a troll or what?)

Vincent Lefèvre <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - Web: <http://www.vinc17.org/>
100% accessible validated (X)HTML - Blog: <http://www.vinc17.org/blog/>
Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / SPACES project at LORIA

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