> " ... A computation involving unsigned operands can never overflow, because
> a  result that cannot be represented by the resulting unsigned integer type
> is reduced modulo the number that is one greater than the largest value that
> can be represented by the resulting type."

Although I don't intend to extend the debate; doesn't anyone find it curious
that given this hard requirement, combined with the fact that all current
machine architectures rely on 2's complement signed integer representation
to eliminate the otherwise necessity for distinct signed integer arithmetic
operations; that by extension unsigned and signed integer arithmetic
operations are behaviorally equivalent all current machine implementations
(as well as likely future implementations for the same reasons); therefore
seemingly irrational and counter productive to presume otherwise, regardless
of the standard's presently relatively ambiguous position on the subject for
apparently largely historical reasons.

As optimization seems to be a non-argument, as by analogy all optimizations
which are available for unsigned arithmetic are correspondingly available
for signed integer operations; as any signed value may then be thought of
as being unsigned for the purposes of computation and/or comparison. i.e.:

  signed: 0 .. INT_MAX  INT_MIN ..    -1    0 ...
unsigned: 0 ..    UINT_MAX/2    .. UINT_MAX 0 ...

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