object volatile).

I don't understand your point. given
        void Foo (char const * a) { *(char *)a = 5; }
the compiler generates code to store 5 through the pointer 'a'.  It doesn't turn
this into a call to 'abort', because it thinks you're writing to const storage.

Is this *always* the cast, or just in the example above?

So, here it appears the compiler does believe the (char *) cast.

I imagine this is due to some workaround in an optimizer for some bug it exposed elswhere.

 Why should it
not believe a (char volatile *) cast -- unless it can determine the static type
of the object pointed to?

It appears he was saying that *even if it could determine the static type*, the volatile qualifier on the cast *made the object not that type anymore*. And i'm not sure why such a thing would apply only to volatile, if true.


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