| From: Gabriel Dos Reis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| "D. Hugh Redelmeier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
| | | From: Gabriel Dos Reis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| | 
| | |  After many exchanges via private mails and
| | | looking at the various reports related to this issue, it has become
| | | clear to me that the interpretations offered to justify why GCC is
| | | behaving the way it does seem to go beyond what can be inferred.
| | 
| | OK.
| | 
| | Is there a consensus on this?
| JSM, please chime in.

Maybe Joseph isn't seeing these messages.  I've added him to the CC list.  For 
that reason, I have not trimmed my quotations of your message.

Who wants off the CC list?  No fair if you are not subscribed to the
gcc list :-)

I've just now subscribed, so you can drop me from the CC lists.

| | If not, how can a consensus be reached?
| try to explain those who read the standard to you their interpretation
| does not match the intent and the letter?  Sorry :-)

If I understand what you are saying, I guess the step before is to
have them construct an argument, quoting the standard, that supports
the buggy behaviour (he who frames the question wins :-).

| More seriously, at this point Daniel Berlin has indicated that he gives
| "less of a crap about volatile and optimizing volatile than [he does]
| const, restrict, etc".  So that is, I hope, a path to a saner behaviour
| from the code transformation part of the compiler.
| | If so, how can we get a fix?
| | 
| | I think that is urgent.  This bug is causing X to misbehave and the
| | current workarounds might be harmful.  Who knows what other
| | manifestations might be lurking?
| | 
| | As I said, I'm not a GCC hacker.  Who is the likely maintainer to fix
| | this?  Does he or she agree that this needs to be done?  Urgently?
| Joseph S. Myers (jsm at polyomino.org.uk)

Ah, polyominoes.  That is one area where I will claim some expertise.  For 
about 25 years I had enumerated more polyominoes than anyone else.

| and Richard Henderson (rth
| at redhat.com)

I've also added Richard to the CC list.

| are the C front-end maintainers.  The following is
| from the last message I received from Joseph (on access through volatile
| lvalue expression): 
|   # Using always the qualification of the lvalue is reasonable semantics to 
|   # specify (I don't know about to implement).  It's still a matter of making 
|   # a choice and documenting and implementing it.
| The issue is compounded by the fact that the code transformation part
| (the "optimizer") is maintained by a different set of people and it takes
| coordination between both worlds to arrive to a useful semantics. 
| At this point we need:
|   (1) agreement from C and C++ maintainers on access through volatile
|       lvalue 

I don't know C++ well enough to say whether the analogous optimization
is wrong for C++.

|   (2) agreement with the middle-end maintainers not to "optimize"
|       volatile lvalue expressions
|   (3) document the behaviour.
| The most important for you and X is to have (2) done, i.e. Richard
| Henderson, Roger Sayle, Daniel Berlin and others.
| -- Gaby

As far as (3) is concerned, I think that the combination of the gcc
info node on Volatiles is pretty clear, when read in the context of
Henry's reading of the C standard.

It would be a good idea for everyone to read that node.

To read that node, invoke info:
        $ info gcc
Then type:
to go to the node "6.2 When is a Volatile Object Accessed?"

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