Ross Ridge wrote:
>I don't see how the existance of configure changes the fact the GCC
>compiler driver exists,

DJ Delorie wrote:
>At the time you're running configure, the gcc driver does *not* exist,
>but you *do* need to run as and ld to test what features they support,
>information which is needed in order to *build* gcc.

Ross Ridge wrote:
> I don't see the relevence to problem at hand.  The Makefile that contains
> the currect hack that's causing the problem doesn't exist at configure
> time either.

Mark Mitchell wrote:
> Right.  The real solution is to separate libgcc from the rest of the 
> compiler; you should be able to (a) use configure to detect features of 
> your as/ld, (b) build the compiler, (c) install it, and, only then, (d) 
> start building libraries.

Sorry, but I don't see the relevence of this either.  Are you and DJ
Delorie trying to address some other problem then the fact that GCC
doesn't bootstrap on MinGW builds?

                                                Ross Ridge

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